Our Careers Advisor is here to help students know the difference between having a job or having a career.
Mr Moylan is the Careers Advisor at Barrenjoey High School. Mr Moylan works with each student and offers a variety of courses and career activities that meet their needs.
Please visit Barrenjoey's Careers Website http://www.barrenjoeyhighschoolcareers.com​
Students and parents are invited to visit this site for career information.
Students can register in the "students only" area where they find a variety of proformas such as 'creating a resume'.
Throughout the year, students are supported by Mr Moylan to gain part time work by booking in for assistance with writing resumes, applications, cover letters and preparing for job interviews.
Students in Year 10 participate in a "Careers Program" where they are guided about subject selection and further training options at university or TAFE after the completion of Year 10, as well as many other career orientated activities.
Discussions that take place are:
- Careers counselling which includes appropriate subject selection, matching student's interests to appropriate careers
- Career pathway support such as resume writing, interview and presentation skills
- Organising talks, access to service providers and potential employers, for information on employment requirements
- Conducting careers excursions, for example to the Careers Expos for Years 10 and 12
- Work experience organisation for Year 10 with local businesses and community partners
- Careers lessons and group work for Year 10
- Support of students undertaking School Bases Traineeships and Apprentiships
- Organisation and support for the TVET programs. Year 11 and 12
Mr Moylan is available during the school day and parents can make an appointment to discuss careers options for their students.