Barrenjoey High School

Respect Effort Challenge

Telephone02 9918 8811

Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

2025 Staff at Barrenjoey

PRINCIPAL  / Mr Brett Blaker

The Principal has ultimate responsibility for the leadership and management of all aspects of the school.  Parents who would like an interview with the principal should contact the school for an appointment.

DEPUTY PRINCIPALS / Mr Jeff Brown, Ms Sarah James and Ms Sarah Saunders

The Deputy Principals are responsible for student welfare and discipline, curriculum, teacher professional learning and the organisational running of the school.  


Mr Brown - Years 7 & 11

Ms Saunders - Years 9 & 10 

Ms James  - Years 8 & 12


Head Teachers are responsible for the organisation of their subject areas.  Any queries about levels of study, class placements or textbooks should be directed to them.  In addition, head teachers support year advisors and monitor attendance.

Subject Head Teacher Subject Head Teacher
English / Languages Mr Roberts Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ms Delamont
Mathematics Ms Ring Wellbeing Mr Moylan
Science Ms Driscoll Learning Support Ms McKay
Human Society and Its Environment Mr Hartog Teaching & Learning Mr Burn
Technological and Applied Studies Mr Claridge Administration Ms Bate
Creative Arts & Performing Arts Ms Gudmunson Inclusive Learning Unit Ms Dodson



Year Advisors assist students with their academic progress and social development through their school life.  The Year Advisors assist with any problems in the following areas:

  • personal, family or social problems;
  • educational progress;
  • choice of subjects and courses of study;
  • problems related to school uniform and general conduct; and/or
  • problems associated with attendance, punctuality and absentee notes.

Student welfare is the main concern of our Year Advisors.  Do not hesitate to contact your Year Advisor for more information.

2025  Year Advisor Assistant YA Executive Support Teacher
Year 7 Mr Baker Ms Gaynon Ms Gudmunson
Year 8 Ms Stamopoulos Ms Taylor Mr Roberts
Year 9 Ms Milham-Habgood Mr Rose-Meatchem Mr Hartog
Year 10 Mr Lloyd Ms Walker Mr Claridge
Year 11 Ms Clark Ms Hutchinson Ms Ring
Year 12 Ms Dickinson Mr Matthew Ms Driscoll

SCHOOL COUNSELLOR /  Mr Comans and Ms Cook

Teachers, parents, health and welfare services or students themselves refer students to the School Counsellor.  The School Counsellor is concerned with psychological welfare, diagnosis of educational problems, programs of remediation and adjustment problems.  Parents are welcome to make an appointment by telephoning the school – 9918 8811. 

Ms Cook  - Monday and Tuesday

Mr Comans - Wednesday to Friday



The Careers Advisor is available to all students but particularly to Years 9-12.  Year 10 have timetabled careers lessons and need to check with the Careers Advisor for information about work experience and the annual careers market.  The Careers Advisor gives help to students and parents on subject selection, post school studies and career path planning.  Senior students can book individual interviews to discuss their program of study or future education, training and employment goals.

Administration Staff

Manager - Felicity Hance

Front Desk - Jess Wallace and Robyn Waller 

Finance - Felicity Hance and Kristy Jones (M-Thu), Monica Lerpiniere (F)

General Administration - Chris Aubrey , Di Cutrie, Kath Gunn, Kalinda Hawson, Monica Lerpiniere (M-Th), Anne Marshall, Emma Marshall, Nicky  Ross, Belinda Waterson  

General Assistants - Geoff Bateman, Trent Williams, Frank Zonnefeldt